Sunday, June 28, 2009

Iraq ancient places

One of the doors of alhether city ( sun city )

Alhether ( hatra ) an arabic Historic city, its away for 80 km south the mosel ( other city ), it known as the kingdom alhether by its builder Engineering, art, Weapons and its Industry.

It was the same level as roma by its advantage , where found the bathrooms with heating system , watching tower, court of law, carving Inscriptions, mosaic, coins and Statues.

Its device was the falcon, the falcon Symbolizes as the citys strongness and prestige, who ruled by (al naser) the strong people, and also alhether ruled by women and that seem the equality between the man and wowan.


Babylons lion (asad babel)

It’s a statue made from a rock for a lion that preys a person (its symbol for the enemy).

The length of the statue is 2.6 meter and its Height is 11.95 meter.


The statue for the winged bull, its now in Louvre Museum in paris


Ishtar door in berlin museum ( bawabat ishtar fe matehaf barlen )

It’s the 8th door from babylon Internal doors, Nabokhath Nassar built it year 575 before the birth, at the north of babylon city goddess gave a gift for ishtar.

All Coated by the blue alabaster, the white marble and color brick, it was Decorated by 575 animal shapes, Highlighted from it the Dragon that known as the Sirosh and theran (bulls).


The bull and the dragon painted on the door.


The queen shebaad (shab3ad) the lady of Jewelry and decoration.


Music Guitar ( kethara mosekia )

Is has 11 string with helix and gold, forehead there is aheah of sheep with Beard made of gold and sheet made of helix, its back to the time period of the queen shabaad (shab3ad) from 2450 before the birth.


Babylon tower ( borg babel )

Archaeologists don’t have enough information about that tower, only from historic news, but it destroyed, nothing still from it only the Below layer that does not exceed a few meters.

The thing that agreed about it the building was Supernatural high and the kildaneen ( people who lived in babylon and conutry between the two rivers ) the set up Observatories on it to know rise and stars set.


Pending babylon gardens (ganaen babel al moalakah)
It contains 4 yokes they look like balcony hanging on Columns that their height is 75 feet.
There were 8 doors and the hugest door was Ishtar among the 8 doors.
Nabokhath Nassar made it because his wife Semrames missed her countrys forest and flowers.


Zakoorat Ur (Za8oorat Ur)

Zkoorat Ur is the oldest temple in the city of Nasiriyah in Iraq (300 kilometers) south of Baghdad, built by descendants of the founder of "Ur" III (the 3rd), the greatest kings, "the year 2050 BC". Evidence of the PM is the time for people to convert religions and large, are important in their lives.

Zakoorat Ur rectangular, the dimensions of "200 × 150 m," high "45" forward. It was mainly composed of three layers, rising above a temple dedicated to worship the gods of a large city, "age", and up to Steps by side, and the third average, and then later became composed of seven layers in the time Period of Chaldean rule.


Fort Ukhaydir ( 7oson al Ukhaydir )

: It is a fort may have been used by the military as some of its features suggest it may have been devoted to the establishment of the princes, as it has been contained to the corridors of many many Wars also a large area in addition to the different historians have called out and even the

possibility of determining the time of its construction is built This suggests a construction and the construction of the model suggests that the scenes of the Islamic Arab world. The new construction in the mid-seventies of the last century and is often frequented by tourists to get acquainted with the teacher away from the city of Karbala, approximately 35 km.


love palace
The name of this palace is orchestration on the right bank of the Tigris River in Iraq. The construction of this palace in the ninth century
successor approved, the last Abbasid successor in Samarra. Now, in light of efforts to detect impacts and repairs carried out on some parts of the palace, lovers, the Palace is a fine example of the complete establishment of the princes in that period. It also contains a startling effects of the decorative carving


alabbasi palace

its location between the rational street and the Tigris River and is attributed to the Abbasid successor Al-Nasser of the religion of Allah (1179), will include models
Decoration of the Arab and Islamic glass and the effects of pottery and big rock niches


Twisted in the history of Samarra (malweat samarra)

the most famous in the mosque is a Manarah Malwiyah, and the Manarah is built on a square Dilaha (33 m) and height (3 m) above a cylinder surrounded by the outside stairs of the spiral around the body of the Manarah from the outside and the ring around the high (50 m ).


The Mostansaria school (Madrasat Al Mostansaria)

Mustansiriya, a school founded in the ancient times of the Abbasids in Baghdad in 1233 by the successor Almstnasr in God, and was a scientifically and culturally important. Located in the hand Rusafa of Baghdad.

Constructed "Baghdad" on an area of 4836 square meters on the beach overlooking the River Tigris to the "Palace of succession", near the regular school, and was the center of a large fountain where the school hours, school Mustansiriya Quran, the hour is a wonderful witness to the strange progress of science when the Arabs in that period of time to announce prayer times throughout the day.

The school consists of two hundred rooms built between two large and small in addition to Alawaoin and rooms.


khan mergan

Khan is Khan Marjan hotel was used to traveling in Baghdad, was built during the fourteenth century AD. Khan neglected the building and exposed to damage, but during the eighties of the twentieth century has been restored and used as a restaurant Khan is considered a landmark in the city of Baghdad.
This seed of an article on the topic related to Iraq's needs for growth and improvement, contributing to the enrichment of participating in the editing.

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